From the president’s Bench - January 2024

Hello AGMC Members,

2023 has wrapped up and I hope everyone had a Happy and Safe New Year celebration.

To better serve the AGMC Membership we look forward to your input. Please remember we have tow Delegates at Large: Delbert Speed and Shari Brickner. They are your primary points of contact to ensure your ideas and suggestions make it to the Executive Committee for consideration so please feel free to speak to them by email or even better in person. Both of them spends a great deal of time at the club Teaching Classes, Supervising Labs and Assisting in both so it’s pretty easy to find one of them at the club.

Your participation in the Classes and Labs offered at AGMC are the primary support for the club. There will be many new Classes and Labs offered throughout the year so I’m sure there will be something for everyone. On that note, if you have a skill or knowledge you would like to share with fellow AGMC Members by teaching a class, supervising a lab or in a discussion group please contact our Class Chair, Jennifer Graham. She will be happy to hear from you. Also, please keep in mind we are expanding our subjects for Classes, Labs, and Discussion Groups. Some new ones that are going to be added are in the Cooking Arts field and Business Discussion Groups, so if you would like to share your love for painting, 3D printing, fabric crafts and art or almost anything else please contact Jennifer. We realize the founding focus for the AGMC was Lapidary Arts. We also realize we need to continue to include and add additional Arts of Interest to remain an expanding and financially stable club for everyone to enjoy. This has been an ongoing process from almost the founding of AGMC with the addition of Silversmithing in the 1960’s. It has continued with adding Glass, Enamel, Beading and Wire Wrapping. We are just continuing the process that has proven over the 67-year history of AGMC to be a successful formula.

I look forward to a Fun and Safe 2024 and I hope all of you will share in making it a great year for AGMC.

Thank you,

Rick Allen

AGMC President 2024