Introduction to Silversmithing Course -Important Information

Important Information about the Introduction to Silversmithing Course

The Introduction to Silversmithing Course is a series of ten (10) classes over a ten (10) week period from 6pm to 9pm. You will have fun as you learn the basic skills of Sawing, Piercing, Filing, Sanding, Polishing, Soldering and more. You will be making multiple pieces of jewelry as you learn new techniques including prong setting cabochons along with bezel making and stone setting. This course will lay the groundwork for you to have fun while learning and developing your Silversmithing skills. You do not need any previous experience in Silversmithing to take this course. We promote a relaxed, easy going and fun atmosphere for some serious learning. The high instructor to student ratio means you’ll have plenty of support. All you need to do to prepare for this course is be willing to have fun and learn.

Members can sign up for this class on the website. The sign-up and additional course information is available only on the first day of the class series listing on the calendar.

Another purpose of this “Introduction to Silversmithing” class is to promote knowledge of basic classroom safety along with basic classroom equipment operation and safety needed for many of the classes offered at AGMC.

This ten (10) week course is required of Members wanting to take other Silversmithing and related classes. There are some classes that are not Silversmithing or related classes within the club that may also require this course as a prerequisite. This is because it introduces you to the basic safety procedures used in the classroom along with the basic skills and basic safety operation of most of the equipment used in the classroom. 

There will be some classes that will not require the basic safety and skills taught in this class and that will be noted in their class sign-up prerequisite section to the class.

The reason for this requirement in Silversmithing and other classes is so everyone will have the same basic safety knowledge and the same basic skill set to make the classes offered run smoothly and more efficiently. It is designed so the instructor does not have to stop the class and take valuable class time to teach basic equipment operation and safety, classroom safety or basic commonly used skills to someone in the class while the other people, that know them, have to wait.

If you have already taken the AGMC Basic, Intermediate or Advanced Silversmithing Courses at the club you do not need to take this “Introduction to Silversmithing” course in order to take classes. We will use the “honor system” to enable members to skip the introduction course and take classes.

For people that have Silversmithing experience outside of the club classes and feel that you have the basic Silversmithing skills, there will be a “Silversmithing Skills Class” (2 -3 Hour) offered where you will demonstrate your skills by making a piece and having it evaluated by the instructor of the “Silversmithing Skills Class” and learn the Clubs Safety Procedures. That will qualify you to take classes without having to take the “Introduction to Silversmithing” course. Please contact the Silversmithing Chair, Terri Brewen to arrange the “Silversmithing Skills Class” at:

If it’s been awhile since you’ve taken Silversmithing classes we are confident it will quickly come back to you in class. However; if you want to refresh your memory on your skills and the clubs safety procedures please feel free to contact the Silversmithing Chair, Terri Brewen, to arrange the Silversmithing Skills Class at: . Please do not hesitate to take this short class if you think you need to. The Clubs goal is for everyone to be Safe, have fun, learn new skills and build on the skills they have.

You do not need to be, nor are you expected to be, a “Pro” to take a class. On the contrary, you’re taking the class to learn a new skill and/or hone an existing skill. The AGMC classes are designed to provide a Fun, Safe and Relaxed atmosphere where you will enjoy learning.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Terri Brewen, Silversmithing Chair at: