You can go to our website at: to see if you are due for renewal soon. The password to access the directory has been previously sent to you via email. If you need it again, just email me to let me know ( and I'll send it to you.
When you're ready to renew, go to our website at:
Choose your appropriate renewal option and input the required information. Then you can pay with credit/debit cards or mail your payment to the address shown toward the end of the renewal process.
Regular renewals: Renewals sent by or before the end of the month your current membership expires. They are shown on the website as "Returning" Members. Your new expiration date will be the same date as your current expiration date in the following year.
If you don't renew by that date you would no longer be eligible to participate in club activities (classes, labs, workshops, trips, etc.) or vote on club issues or elections. You can attend meetings and enjoy the buffet!
Late Renewals: Renewals sent from the first day of the first month after your membership expires through the last day of the second month after your membership expires. If you don't renew by that date, your membership would end, and you would no longer have any rights or privileges of membership.
You could thereafter re-join the club at applicable New member dues rates at any time (please include a mention of your prior years of membership when you fill out the application). Your prior years of membership would be retained in our records for application toward the total years required (10 years) for eligibility for competitive consideration for Life membership status (Life members aren't required to pay dues or building usage fees).